The Data Protection and Privacy Podcast

What The EXPERTS Do Not TELL Us about Data Protection ? Part 6 Josh Amishav-Zlatin

Great Discussion  with Josh Amishav-Zlatin  CEO of    

Josh Explains that one of the most vulnerable parts of IT is the Password and our us eof them contributes to most breaches no matter how good the infrastructure.!
A very interesting Outer cycle security defense.

"The average person uses the same password across four different accounts. This means that even if your organization is properly locked down, many of your user’s credentials have been disclosed elsewhere. Instead of reacting after an attack occurs, Breachsense enables you to proactively defend your users who have had their passwords compromised. Breachsense alerts you in real-time when your user’s credentials appear in 3rd party data breaches."

The latest in Data Protection and Privacy Podcast by David Clarke
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